Natural Remedies for Insomnia

There are few things more refreshing and rejuvenating than a good night’s sleep. Going to bed at the end of a long, enjoyable day, slipping between fresh sheets and then drifting peacefully off into full 8 hours of undisturbed slumber, how lovely …….

When was the last time you experienced that?

For many adults, the answer goes something like, “I can’t remember”, or “It seems like never”.

Wouldn’t it be nice to return to those times (I’m sure you had them) when sleep came easily and ended only when you awakened in the morning?

Luckily there are many natural remedies that can help you get to sleep more easily, stay asleep and sleep more soundly.

Let’s take a look at them.

Natural sleep remedies



Morning exposure to natural light improves sleep

Our bodies’ sleep patterns are controlled by our Circadian rhythm, an internal 24-hour clock that is strongly affected by light exposure, it tells the body what functions to perform depending on what time of day it is.

Too much light exposure at night, especially the blue light that is emitted from our electronic devices and LED lights, pushes our sleep patterns out towards a later bedtime and can disrupt aspects of our sleep cycles, causing us to wake repeatedly and reducing the quality of our sleep.

Exposure to natural light during the day especially early in the morning has the opposite effect, harmonizing our circadian rhythm more closely with that of nature, where most animals wake at sunrise and sleep at sunset.


Exercise improves sleep for many people. It reduces the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, promotes better sleep by reducing the levels of stress hormones in the body and it also produces feel-good endorphins which help us to relax.

However, some people find that exercising later in the day and especially in the evening has the opposite effect, waking them up and making it harder to fall asleep and sleep deeply. To avoid this potential problem get regular exercise and take note of how it affects your energy levels and your sleep. If you find yourself wide awake and unable to sleep after an evening workout then you would be better off finding either a more gentle type of exercise like yoga for this time of day or shifting your workout to an earlier time.


Yoga can be extremely helpful in cases of insomnia. Its deep breathing combined with gentle movements and relaxing poses releases physical and mental tension that can accumulate and disrupt sleep.

Yoga poses that help you to sleep include childs pose

A simple practice consisting of just a few rounds of cat-cow followed by child’s pose can be enough to breathe away tension and relax your body and mind before bedtime. Making it easier to fall to sleep and enhancing the quality of your sleep. But if you would prefer something more try one of these lovely bedtime yoga workouts by Adrienne from Yoga with Adrienne on Youtube. The first is 20 minutes long and the second is 7 minutes.

20 Minute Bedtime Yoga
7 Minute Bedtime Yoga


Reflexology is another simple tool that can help to release tension that has accumulated in your body and in turn, help you to sleep.

On your hands and feet, there are reflex points that correspond to every part of your body, and when our body is stressed or out of balance in any way these points become sensitive to touch. Applying pressure to acupressure points helps the body to release toxins which then allows your energy to flow more freely, bringing your body back into balance.

Reflexology Chart Foot

A simple reflexology practice is to use a foot massager or roller over the entire foot. You will soon notice which parts of your foot are tender and may then like to give those areas a little more attention, either with the roller or your thumbs. Don’t overdo it, 15 to 20 minutes should do the trick. End your treatment by going over your entire foot a few more times with the foot roller.

For a more specific Sleep treatment take a look at this video produced by the Association of Reflexologists on Hand Reflexology for Sleep.

Cell Salts

Cell Salts can improve sleep by correcting nutritional imbalances that interfere with normal sleep patterns. By providing the body with the deficient mineral salts in a homeopathically prepared microdose the body is quickly able to return to its balanced state.

Tissue Salts that can help with Insomnia

  • Kali Phos
  • Ferr Phos
  • Nat Phos
  • Mag Phos
  • Nat Mur
  • Nat Sulph
  • Silica
  • Schuessler’s Combination A for Insomnia can also help where sleep is disrupted by muscle cramps, sciatica, or pain and inflammation.


Calcium and Magnesium

Two key nutrients that influence sleep are Calcium and Magnesium.

Milk is a good source of these minerals and it is well known that a hot milk drink at bedtime can contribute towards a better night’s sleep, but for many people, milk is not something they can or are willing to drink. If you prefer to avoid milk there are many other food choices that can do the job.

The supplement Dolomite is a balanced source of both Calcium and Magnesium and Blackstrap molasses provides a rich source of Magnesium as well as Iron which can also promote deeper sleep.

Nuts are another valuable source of Magnesium, as well being as a good source of Calcium. However leafy greens, sprouts, and microgreens are the real superstars, providing both Calcium and Magnesium in the most natural, easy-to-digest and low calorie form. Nuts and greens also provide good amounts of Iron.


Studies show that adequate intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is associated with better sleep quality.

The following foods are excellent sources of omega-3:

  • All types of fish (although fatty fish like salmon and sardines are highest in it) and cod liver oil
  • Flax and Chia Seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Soybeans

Hemp seeds, free-range eggs, meats, dairy products as well as many vegetables are also good sources of omega-3.

Other nutritional hacks are:

  • Having a carbohydrate snack about half an hour before going to bed, encourages the production of calming and sleep-promoting serotonin.
  • Taking 2 Tablespoons of cider vinegar in water before bedtime


Herbal Teas that will help you to relax include peppermint, chamomile, passionflower and skullcap, valerian, lemon balm, and catnip. Look for these ingredients either alone or in combination.

Natural ways to sleep include chamomile tea

A tincture, extract, or tablets of Valerian taken 30 minutes before bedtime is another excellent herbal remedy for insomnia.


The following essential oils help to relieve tension and encourage sleep

  • Melissa
  • Lavender
  • Bergamot
  • Chamomile
  • Jasmine
  • Rose
  • Clary Sage
  • Neroli
  • Sweet Orange
aromatherapy natural sleep remedy

Use in a diffuser, adding a total of 5-10 drops of up to 3 essential oils.
Or try one of the simplest, most effective, and enjoyable aromatherapy treatments which is a bath with essential oils added to it.
Add a total of 6-12 drops from up to 3 essential oils, ideally in 20ml of a carrier oil like almond oil.


The subject and practice of Earthing (also known as grounding) has become hugely popular recently and refers to contact with the Earth’s surface electrons by walking barefoot, sitting, or sleeping outdoors. Earthing can also occur by sitting, working, or sleeping indoors connected to an earthing mat that transfers the energy from the ground and into the body. Now as weird as this might sound, there have been studies that confirm that the practice of earthing during sleep reduces and rebalances the stress hormone cortisol bringing it more in balance with the circadian rhythm and that grounding also reduces pain, improving sleep for pain sufferers.

Bach Flower Essences

Having discussed the other aspects contributing to your poor sleep it’s important to also consider your mind, as while nutritional deficiencies may wake you in the night, it is your mind that turns that into a nightmare and stops you from getting back to sleep. If you were woken and you could simply think nice thoughts and relax you would quickly fall back to sleep, but an anxious and or overactive mind uses the peace and quiet of the wee hours as an opportunity to rehash the events of the day or to plan and prepare for the next day, week, month, even years ahead! By the time the morning arrives, you feel like you’ve already done a full day’s work and strangely your insomnia has now disappeared and you could happily go back to sleep.

This is where Bach Flowers come in.

Bach Flowers work on the mental-emotional level helping you to release thought patterns that may be contributing to your insomnia. For some people the effect can be immediate, allowing them to drift off to sleep shortly after taking them. For others their effect will be cumulative, building over time.

Learn more about the Bach Flower essences that can help you to sleep.

Here’s to better sleep – naturally.

Sweet Dreams…….