Those who suffer much from being unable to decide between two things, first one seeming right then the other. They are usually quiet people, bearing their difficulty alone, as they are not inclined to discuss it with others .
Edward Bach, The Twelve Healers
Bach Original Flower Essences, Scleranthus, 20 ml
One of Edward Bach’s Remedies for uncertainty, Scleranthus restores balance, rhythm and order.
Scleranthus is a flower for indecision, this time for no other reason than they cannot make up their minds. Scleranthus types have quick and versatile minds capable of weighing the pros and cons in all things. When in balance, this allows them to make decisions quickly and effectively, but when out of balance, they are more likely to drive themselves mad vacillating between options. Unlike Cerato and Wild Oat, Scleranthus may well make a short-term decision and even begin to take action, but before long they are rethinking their choice because no matter what decision they make there is always the nagging feeling that they are missing out on something better. Like all types that have trouble making decisions, Scleranthus is extremely easily influenced by anything and everything, from other people, to sights, sounds, smells and even memories.
Because of their indecision and vulnerability to influence a Scleranthus type tends to be unreliable, when they are in the company of others they may make commitments which later when they are alone they feel they can’t or don’t want to keep and so they are forced to unmake them.
Until a clear decision is made, energy is scattered. This causes extremes and randomness in many areas:
- Inability to focus on a task
- Extreme hunger and then lack of appetite
- Mood Swings
- Feeling Hot then Cold
- Random pains and symptoms that appear suddenly and disappear just as readily
- Dizziness and physical unsteadiness
- Changing clothes many times during the day
- Alternating between fatigue and extreme excitement
- Constipation and then diarrhea
- Disorganization and untidyness which may alternate with extreme orderliness
Positive Potential of Scleranthus
- Able to concentrate
- Inner balance despite external circumstances
- Able to make good and final decisions with ease
- A calming influence on others
Astrological Sign ~ Libra
Supportive Affirmations: I am in perfect balance, I am calm and deeply centered, My choice is clear
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