Olive is the Bach Flower Remedy for physical and mental exhaustion as a result of a long or particularly intense period of mental and/or physical strain, or illness.
The feeling is of complete and utter exhaustion requiring total rest and much sleep. Even the smallest activities are a great effort.
Milder cases of tiredness and fatigue caused by strain or illness also respond well to the Bach Flower Olive.
Olive strengthens and revitalizes the body and mind. An awareness of the need to follow the guidance from our higher selves develops which allows periods of stress and strain to be handled with great ease.
Some common situations where the Bach Flower Remedy Olive can help restore your energy:
Moving House – The physical and mental stress of moving house can often result in a state of short-term exhaustion. This lack of energy will naturally resolve once the move is over and you can rest, but taking Olive will speed up the process.
Empaths or those Sensitive to Energy – empaths, and sensitives will find that Olive not only improves their physical strength but also strengthens their mind and energetic system, making them less vulnerable to disharmonious energies. If you are already feeling drained by a situation or person, Olive will help you to return quickly to your natural vibration.
Caring for a dependant – this could be a newborn baby, a super active toddler, an elderly parent or someone who is sick, physically or mentally. Anything that takes a large toll on your energy will be easier to handle with the help of Olive.
Supportive Measures
As well as taking Olive, use this quiet time to reflect and see if you could better balance your energies in the future. While some situations are unavoidable one-offs, if you have a pattern of overdoing followed by periods of exhaustion, then you will want to look for ways to balance your activities. The Bach Flower Scleranthus can be helpful here.
Also, consider what feelings are driving your periods of intense activity. Common culprits are a feeling of impatience, which is helped by the Bach Flower Impatiens, or over-enthusiasm which is helped by Vervain.
Many of us have been trained to ignore our natural impulse to stop and take a rest when we need it. We push on past feelings of tiredness, boredom, hunger, thirst, even a need to use the bathroom. But these are all early subtle signs letting us know that we are losing our balance. A quick stop taken when you receive the impulse can give you the ability to continue for longer periods of time without risking tiredness, fatigue, or exhaustion.
If your natural impulses are so shut down that you can no longer feel them, then start by scheduling your rest and bathroom breaks. These short regular breaks are usually all it takes to keep your energy flowing consistently. And of course, you will find that your work also flows with greater ease and that you produce better results for less effort.
Every time that you take Olive your ability to sense the subtle signs of imbalance improves slightly and before long you will no longer need schedules or self-discipline and instead you will just naturally move, rest or shift your focus as you need to.
Make sure that you are also supporting your recovery with plenty of sleep as well as rest and fresh air.
Sunlight is also helpful so even if it’s just sitting next to a window, try to get some every day.
During this time try to eat little and often. Overeating requires a lot of energy for digestion and adds to feelings of heaviness, whereas smaller meals are more easily digested. Ideal foods will be nutrient-dense and easy to digest such as soups, smoothies, and fresh juices.
When you feel ready, introduce gentle exercises such as Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Gentle Hatha Yoga or walking.
Be gentle with yourself and take your time as you return to your normal activities. With the help of Olive, you will soon be back to your old (but improved) self.
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