Mimulus is one of the Bach Flower Remedies for fear.
The fears and extreme sensitivity that plague the Mimulus persons life make it difficult for them to participate in many of the normal daily activites that other people take part in without a second thought. To others, the fears and sensitivity of Mimulus seem irrational and disproportionate, but to the Mimulus self, they are completely well-founded. Don’t try and talk a Mimulus person out of their fears, it will only make them worse. It is usually just easier to adjust to the needs of the Mimulus person, as they are unable to cope in many situations.
The fears of Mimulus are always concrete in nature, rather than the vague fears of Aspen. A Mimulus person will be able to very clearly tell you what they are afraid of, and get ready because the list will be long! Here are just a few examples:
- New situations, people, places, things
- Illness
- Flying
- Animals, Insects
- Pain
- Loud noises, and talking
- Aggression and conflict
- Bright lights, cold air, darkness
Of course, with all those fears the self-confidence of the Mimulus person is also affected and so they are also usually shy and prone to blushing. for this reason, the Bach Flower Remedy Larch is ideal to take alongside Mimulus.
I have noticed that the “irrational” fears of Mimulus are made worse when we are tired and run down and so if you suspect that fatigue is exacerbating the problem, other Bach Flowers like Olive and Elm can be helpful to take along with Mimulus.
If you are a Mimulus type you have my sympathy, and understanding, as I have been there and occasionally return for a visit!
But I can also report that taking the Bach Flower Remedy Mimulus has helped me and many others to move beyond Fear .
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