Is there such a thing as permanent, easy and natural weight loss? I believe there is. I believe that permanent weight loss is not only possible but inevitable when we make just a few small and simple changes and stick with them. If you are ready to stop overcomplicating weight loss and are ready to…

The Power of Positive Thinking ~ Law of Attraction Quotes

When most people think of Law of Attraction they think of it as a New Age or New Thought idea, but the truth is that the concept of Law of Attraction and Positive thinking is not new but can be found weaved into all the great teachings. Whether it is the teachings of Buddha, Christ,…

Bach Flower Remedies ~ Gentian

Gentian is the Bach Flower Remedy for releasing feelings of doubt, skepticism, uncertainty, and pessimism that stop you from taking your first steps towards your goals and also the disappointment that can surface when things don’t work out as well or as quickly as you had hoped. Taking Gentian increases self confidence, positive expectation and…

Cherry Plum Bach Flower Remedy

Cherry Plum

The Cherry Plum state comes about from a fear of losing control which leads to an attempt to try to control even more. This then creates even more emotions and situations that reflect back to us our lack of control which we try to control ………. and so it is a negative cycle of increasing…

5 Bach Flower Remedies for Insomnia

Can’t sleep because you’re thinking too much, worried or overstimulated? These are common problems that can often be helped with Bach Flower Remedies. White Chestnut White Chestnut is the go-to remedy for most sleep problems, dealing with worrisome thoughts that prevent you from going to sleep or that wake you in the middle of the…

Just for Today – Reiki Principles

Just for TodayI will not worryI will not be angryI will be grateful for my many blessingsI will do my work honestlyI will be kind to every living thing I have many versions of this lovely Reiki Prayer available for instant download over at my Etsy Shop, take a look today! Available for Download from…

5 Bach Flower Remedies for Weight loss

5 Bach Flower Essences for Weight Loss

Bach Flowers can help you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight by dealing with any emotional issues that could cause you to overeat and sabotage your weight loss attempts. These 5 Bach Flower Remedies for losing weight will not eliminate the need to make some changes with regard to diet and exercise, but they will…

7 Anti Aging Bach Flowers

7 Anti-Aging Bach Flowers

The better you feel emotionally, the better your body is able to function. You feel stronger, you have more stamina, you are more flexible, and you are able to relax and sleep well –  you feel YOUNGER. Taking the right Bach Flower Remedy helps you to look and feel younger by reducing stress and anxiety, making…

9 House Plants for Improving Indoor Air Quality

  Improving the quality of your indoor air with houseplants   Looking through any of the home decor magazines at the moment you will see that one of the biggest trends is indoor plants. It is easy to see why,  they are vibrant, varied and beautiful, they bring a feeling of freshness and life into a…