Improving the quality of your indoor air with houseplants
Looking through any of the home decor magazines at the moment you will see that one of the biggest trends is indoor plants. It is easy to see why, they are vibrant, varied and beautiful, they bring a feeling of freshness and life into a space, the neutral green of foliage can be easily worked into most colour schemes, and the wide selection of flowering indoor plants can also add colour.
But there is another reason to bring plants into your home, and that is because they are Natural Air Filters.
All plants improve the quality of air by removing Carbon Dioxide and releasing Oxygen into the environment, that is one of the reasons that being in nature makes us feel so good. A study conducted by NASA and the ALCA has shown that many plants also have the ability to remove common toxins present in indoor air. More recent studies reveal that it is not just the plants that clean the air but also microorganisms found in the soil.
The study also suggested using at least one plant per 100 square feet to optimize air purifying.
Here are my favourite 9 plants from the NASA Clean Air Study list, which will improve not only the aesthetics of your home but the quality of the air that you breathe while you’re in it.
9 Plants to Clean the Air and Remove Toxins
Boston Fern
Prefers a cool position with high humidity and filtered light – perfect for indoors so long as you mist the leaves regularly to increase humidity in winter.
African Violet
Has an undeserved reputation for being fussy but if you grow them in the right position they will thrive with minimal care. Water the soil only as water on the leaves will leave spots also make sure they give plenty of filtered light as this will help them to flower more prolifically. My grandmother grew African Violets in her brightly lit bathroom and they were perfect.
Gerbera and Spider Plant
Spider plants are hardy and tolerant needing little care to grow indoors. They will tolerate most conditions, don’t mind if you forget to water them and will even send out ready-made new plants (called pups) which you can pot up to increase your plant numbers. Overwatering is the only thing to watch out for.
Gerberas, on the other hand, are a little more precious but worth the effort if you have the right spot for them, and if they don’t work out indoors you can always relocate them to the garden. Gerberas like plenty of bright light so a window sill could be a good location. However, they also do not like too much direct sunlight and this can scorch their leaves, so make sure your window sill receives only morning light rather than the harsher afternoon rays. I take mine outside a couple of times a week to give them their sunlight fix and keep them in a well-lit spot near a window and they do fine.
Moth Orchid
You would think that these delicate looking beauties would be difficult to grow but in fact, they are extremely hardy plants which will give a stunning display of flowers for 6 months or more with little care. My mother managed to keep her one flowering continuously for a whole year once (but then again she is extremely green fingered). Water regularly (although they will tolerate being dry) and don’t let your orchid sit in water.
Peace Lily
One of the plants in the NASA study that was found to be capable of removing every toxin tested for is Peace Lily. It is also very easy to grow, tolerating a wide range of growing conditions. Peace Lily can survive even in the more dimly lit parts of your home which would be unsuitable for most other plants, although they will flower better in a well-lit position. Take care not to overwater your Peace Lily, check the soil first and only water if it has dried out.
English Ivy
For a healthy Ivy, place your plant in a position well lit by indirect light, let your plant dry out between waterings and mist it’s leaves regularly.
Aloe Vera
Easy to grow and care for, all your Aloe Vera needs is plenty of indirect sunlight and not too much water.
Beautiful but short-lived, Chrysanthemums enjoy a sunny position like a window sill in a non-humid environment (so bathrooms and potentially steamy kitchens are not ideal). Deadhead them regularly and let them dry out between waterings. Chrysanthemums are the other NASA study plant able to remove all toxins (tested for) from indoor air.
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