The better you feel emotionally, the better your body is able to function. You feel stronger, you have more stamina, you are more flexible, and you are able to relax and sleep well – you feel YOUNGER.
Taking the right Bach Flower Remedy helps you to look and feel younger by reducing stress and anxiety, making you feel more relaxed, happy, and at ease in your daily activities. You will find that as you feel better emotionally you will begin to feel better about yourself and in time you will also notice physical changes that reflect your new more positive state of mind.
Take a look at these 7 Anti-Ageing Bach Flowers and see if you can recognize yourself in any (or all) of them. You may feel that some are an obvious match to you, but if there are any that you feel very strongly are not match to you. Take a closer look at them as they may point to an unconscious thought pattern. The key is that you will feel quite strongly – either way.
Have fun with this as you can not get it wrong, the effect of bach flowers is always beneficial.
Crab Apple
As we age we can feel that we are no longer perfect, something that a Crab Apple person cannot stand, and so they will make constant (futile) attempts to fix what they see as being wrong. All this stems from lack of self-love. Crab Apple makes it easier to be kinder, more forgiving and loving to yourself. You will no longer feel compelled to try and live up to some impossibly high standard and you will also discover that you are better than you thought!
A preoccupation with the past and a feeling that “it was better back then” are clear calls for Honeysuckle. Physically, Honeysuckle will sometimes manifest as fluid retention, constipation, and aging skin. Can you remember how you felt when you were young? How much time did you spend looking back and reminiscing versus just enjoying life or looking forward eagerly? When you hold onto the past there is less space in life for the new fresh energy that keeps you feeling and looking youthful. The Bach Flower Essence Honeysuckle helps you to let go of the past and to focus happily here and now.
Self-confidence can diminish with age, but it doesn’t need to. If you feel that you are growing less self-assured with age then Larch will help you feel more confident in all areas of your life, and when you feel confident, your age becomes irrelevant to you and others.
None of us move through life without encountering stress, but some are better than others at letting it go. Vervain is the great stress buster and can relieve muscular tension where that tension is the result of stress and strain. Vervain will help you wind down, chill out, and take life less seriously. It will also reduce any tendency you have to be a bit (maybe even a lot) extreme in your focus and activities.
Walnut is about change and adjustment, letting go of the old and moving into the new. It will help you adjust mentally to the changes associated with aging. Walnut is especially helpful during age-related periods of transition like menopause, retirement, death of parents and children leaving home.
Wild Rose
Lack of interest in life and constant fatigue are good indicators that you would benefit from taking Wild Rose. Physically you may see paleness, dark rings under the eyes and lackluster skin. The effect of Wild Rose is energizing and it renews your interest in life. It restores a youthful feeling of positive expectation in what the future will bring, it also brings a welcome increase in physical energy.
Sagging lines on the face come from sagging thoughts in the mind. Resentment of Life.
Louise Hay, Heal Your Body
This statement by Louise Hay, clearly points to the Bach Flower Willow.
Physical Symptoms of a chronic willow state can include lines around the mouth and lower back pain.
If you have the feeling that you have been treated unfairly by other people or even life, in general you will benefit from taking the flower essence Willow.
As we age it is not uncommon to feel increasingly bitter about the way life has treated us. Missed opportunities, injustices, arguments – the past just builds up within us, and as it does, it starts to be felt in our bodies and also to show on our faces.
Because these things build up slowly over time we tend to get used to the feelings and so you may not be able to detect resentment in yourself. But take a careful look at yourself to see if you can find even a trace of it in you. If you can’t find it, look outside yourself to those closest to you. Do you see it in them? Does it bother you? Whether you can see it in you or in another, consider taking the Bach Flower Willow.
Did you recognize even a little of yourself in any of those? If you did, then let’s make a treatment remedy bottle and get started on your self-loving, anti-aging journey today!
Make your own Bach Flower Remedy
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