Can’t sleep because you’re thinking too much, worried or overstimulated? These are common problems that can often be helped with Bach Flower Remedies.

White Chestnut
White Chestnut is the go-to remedy for most sleep problems, dealing with worrisome thoughts that prevent you from going to sleep or that wake you in the middle of the night.
For the White Chestnut type, the demands of daily life usually keep them from excessive worrying during the day. But when the evening comes and they are lying in their beds with no distractions, those thoughts that were more easily forgotten during the day now re-surface, and without anything to draw attention elsewhere, they gain momentum, making their minds race and bodies tense, not exactly the ideal conditions for falling asleep!
White Chestnut soothes worries and quiets mental chatter creating a mental environment that encourages physical relaxation and sleep.
I recommend including White Chestnut in any sleep remedy you make.
A simple remedy you can try that will help in most cases of insomnia is 4 drops of Rescue Remedy and 2 drops of White Chestnut in a glass of water or in a treatment bottle. You can sip this during the day, just before bed and as often as you need during the night, aim for a minimum of 4 doses every 24 hours.
If you are using a treatment bottle, take 4 drops AT LEAST 4 times daily, and take one of those doses at bedtime.

Impatiens are for those who, for whatever reason, feel like it is taking too long to get to sleep. It could just be a temporary situation where you really want to get a good night’s sleep because you have something important to do tomorrow, or that you only have a few hours available for sleep before you have to get up again. Or, it could be a more chronic situation where you often feel like everything in life happens too slowly.
Either way, Impatiens will help soothe that uncomfortable uptight feeling, helping you to breathe deeply, relax and allow sleep to come in its own good time.

Similar to Impatiens, when you need Vervain you will feel tense and uptight but the reason for your tension is slightly different.
Vervain is for those who are so wound up over something that they can’t relax and sleep and they don’t really want to sleep either. Vervain types are so full of enthusiasm that they would be just as happy to get up and get on with whatever is on their mind, but they are also aware of the need for sleep and so they “try” to sleep, often unsuccessfully.
If this is a temporary situation where you have something to do and you have the energy now, then it’s not really a problem to miss out on a few hours sleep. But if this temporary situation has become a way of life, if you are running on super high energy and not sleeping properly, you really need to find a way to relax and get the sleep and rest that we all need to function at our best.
Vervain will help you to relax mentally and physically. It will balance out your energy so that you can sleep when you need to so that you have the energy and stamina to work and play when you want to.

Elm will help you to sleep if your insomnia is a temporary problem bought about by a situation that has you feeling mentally and possibly physically overwhelmed. Any event that you need to organize or that produces a sudden increase in your normal responsibilities, or physical demands can produce the Elm state. For those that are empathic, it will take less to trigger this state.
Examples of these types of situations include:
- Looming exams
- A new job
- A new baby
- Moving house
- A wedding
- Christmas
- A new exercise program
- Spring cleaning
- A “workout” in the garden
- A party
- Travel
You may have some aches and pains from strained or tense muscles but you will definitely feel over-tired and desperately in need of rest. Unfortunately, rest and sleep does not come easily when you are in the Elm state and even when you do manage to drop off your sleep tends to be restless and your dreams full of anxiety.
Luckily this state is normally temporary and will pass on its own once the increased demands on you have ended, or you have adjusted to them, but taking Elm will help you to adjust more quickly and cope better with your responsibilities both now and in the future.
Elm gives you that little boost of strength and confidence which is all you really need to get past this bump in the road. Often just one day of use will give you relief from insomnia, but keep taking it until you are feeling like your old strong capable self again.
More Natural Treatments for Insomnia

Rescue Remedy
If your sleep problems have come about after a traumatic experience then take Rescue Remedy on its own or along with any other remedies you choose. The effect of Rescue Remedy is relief from stress and so you can also add Rescue Remedy to any combination of remedies you have chosen to give a general relaxing effect.
How to Take Your Bach Flower Remedy
Make your remedy up by adding two drops of each to a glass or bottle of water. Add 4 drops if you are using Rescue Remedy.
Sip regularly during the day making sure that you have a minimum of 4 doses each day, take one of those doses at bedtime.
Or Make your remedy into a Treatment Bottle so that it will last longer.
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