The potential to tune in to the emotions of other people and to feel is not limited to Empaths, but for an Empath, this skill of honing in on others and their emotions is highly developed.
The highly-sensitive person or Empath is very open, sometimes too open.
This openness may have been there since birth or it may have developed due to practices such as meditation, hypnosis, and yoga, but it is their openness that allows the Empath to tune in to other energies, good and bad.
If you are Empath, you will be well aware that being open to the emotional ups and downs of every person you encounter is not always fun, unless you understand what is happening and know how to handle it. It can cause confusion and guilt as you wonder whether what you are feeling is you or someone else, and fatigue from the stress of being around disharmonious energy. Some Empaths don’t even know that they are empathic and simply think that there is something wrong with them. While others find themselves unable, or unwilling to spend much time with other people due to the strain and drain on their own energy.
But with the help of Bach Flower Remedies, it is possible to turn this potential problem into the beautiful gift that it is meant to be.
1. Clematis
If you tend to daydream, drift in thought, or even have very little thought a lot of the time then Clematis will be helpful for you. Time spent in a defocused state can allow healing and creativity to flow and no thought is essential for meditation, but in large doses being unfocused can cause you to become ungrounded, and an ungrounded person is more receptive to the influence of all energies, positive and negative.
Clematis clears and refreshes the mind, sharpens focus, and promotes clarity of thought. It snaps us out of an open, dream-like state and grounds us firmly in the here and now making us stronger within our own energy and therefore less affected by the energy of others.
2. Cerato
Cerato is for those who are easily influenced by stronger personalities and will help if you are someone who relies on others for guidance rather than listening to your own inner voice. The desire for external direction can take the obvious form of seeking advice from friends, teachers, mentors, etc or it can be a more subtle seeking that is constantly gathering knowledge through learning, reading, etc.
What makes this unhealthy is not just the relentless information gathering, but the fact that for the Cerato person, no amount of information, learning, or council is ever enough to make them feel sure for long. This makes them vulnerable to anyone with stronger ideas and opinions than their own.
When taking Cerato you become more sure about what you really want and what you believe. As you stop listening to the voices of others your own inner voice becomes louder and you start to trust it more. You become stronger and more confident. When you know who you truly are it becomes clearer to you what thoughts and emotions are yours and what belongs to others.
3. Walnut
When you look at a walnut you see the thick outer shell protecting the soft more delicate nut that is inside. That is how the Bach Flower Remedy Walnut works for the vulnerable Empath.
Walnut protects a sensitive soul from the strong influences that could potentially hurt and disturb their energy, causing them to question and falter from their chosen path. As well as providing a virtual shield for the Empath, Walnut also makes it easier to receive internal guidance while giving the courage needed to trust and follow through with action in the world.
4. Centaury
The fact that Empaths are generally kind, considerate, gentle, and good-natured types, makes them easily exploited. Centaury strengthens your energy making it easier to recognize when this is happening and to say “No” to others when you need to.
When you take Centaury you feel less drained by others and less inclined to offer more of yourself than you should. You also find that you are not so easily persuaded to do things that you don’t really want to do and more likely to stand up for yourself when needed. Once you find this inner strength you will feel more confident to go out into the world knowing that you will not be taken advantage of.
5. Mimulus
As well as picking up on the emotions of the people around them, most Empaths are also sensitive to disharmonious energy in their environment.
If you are an Empath and you are also disturbed by things like loud noises, bright lights, strong smells, or unpleasant sights then the Bach Flower Remedy Mimulus will help to soothe the anxiety you feel in these circumstances. Mimulus also eases many of the other fears and insecurities that can go hand in hand with being an Empath.
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