Bach Flower Remedies for Eczema

Thank you to Jinali for her email asking me to share more about my own healing journey with using bach flowers for eczema as well as which Flower Essences I used in my eczema treatment bottle. And of course, I am very happy to share ……….. Way back when I was attending my first classes…

EMFs What are they and how do they affect the body?

What is EMF? EMF stands for electromagnetic fields. EMFs can be produced by both natural sources (such as the Earth’s magnetic field, lightning, and the sun) and human-made sources (such as power lines, electrical appliances, wireless devices, and radio waves). The majority of EMF sources encountered in daily life, such as Wi-Fi, cell phones, and…

Natural Remedies for Insomnia

There are few things more refreshing and rejuvenating than a good night’s sleep. Going to bed at the end of a long, enjoyable day, slipping between fresh sheets and then drifting peacefully off into full 8 hours of undisturbed slumber, how lovely ……. When was the last time you experienced that? For many adults, the…

How do Bach Flower Remedies Heal? All ill health, whether it be in our physical body, our relationships, our finances or anything else is the result of own resistance to the good that is flowing to us constantly. Bach flower remedies heal by releasing that resistance. Imagine that it is dark and you have a torch, but you have your hand over that torch. Even with your hand completely covering it, amazingly some of the light still gets through and you can see the subtle glow of the torch. But then, if open your hand a little, a bit more light escapes and then, if you take your had away completely, you have the full benefit of the torch. Well that is how resistance works, even when you are totally resisting the light or the good that is yours, it can not be stopped completely, but with each little piece of resistance you release you allow more light and goodness into your life and that goodness appears as more joy, peace beauty and abundance, better health and relationships, improved finances, everything is positively affected.

How to be Fly Free, Naturally

If you are looking for a way to create a fly-free environment without the use of sprays (even so-called natural ones), fly swats (what a mess) and fly strips (yuck!), then you have come to right place. I have discovered that the best method for controlling flies is to simply make your home less inviting…

Bach Flower Remedies ~ Mimulus

Mimulus is one of the Bach Flower Remedies for fear. The fears and extreme sensitivity that plague the Mimulus persons life make it difficult for them to participate in many of the normal daily activites that other people take part in without a second thought. To others, the fears and sensitivity of Mimulus seem irrational…

5 Bach Flower Remedies for Empaths

The potential to tune in to the emotions of other people and to feel is not limited to Empaths, but for an Empath, this skill of honing in on others and their emotions is highly developed. The highly-sensitive person or Empath is very open, sometimes too open. This openness may have been there since birth…

Heavens Gate Reiki, Yin Yoga and Meditation Timers

Heavens Gate, just as the name suggests, is Heavenly. Relaxing with a light and refreshing tone it is more of the great music we’ve come to love by Christopher Lloyd Clarke and with these timers it is ideal for Reiki Healing and Yin Yoga. Enjoy! 5 Minute Timer Heavens Gate Complete Playlist